Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 2016 | MONTH IN REVIEW

Sail Raptor

Here's a quick summary of what we were up to this month. 

  • We decided to re-paint the interior {by we.. it was really me} as the paint onboard is 20 years old, parts of it were moldy and bubbling up.
  • Since I suggested to re-paint the interior, I was tasked to remove the old paint. Not a fun job -- when the old paint peels off and the exposed fiberglass falls onto your {my} skin, it itches for days!
  • Alex turned on the engine for the first time in 20 months (not since we hauled out in March 2015). We had a runaway engine! A scary experience, with the engine revving loudly, uncontrollably and smoking (black smoke/soot and all!).
  • We serviced the hydraulics for the sail drive leg and winches in the cockpit.
  • At this point, with the engine hauled out, it's highly unlikely that we will be able to complete our boat projects in time before our visa expires on 27th December. But hey, positive thinking never hurt anyone! {or did it?}

October 2016 | MONTH IN REVIEW >>

December 2016 | MONTH IN REVIEW <<

Boat projects
Removing the old paint
Hauling out the engine
My attempt at making Banana bread cupcakes ;)

16th November 2016
Lovely skies - could stare at it forever
After a hard's day of work, it's nice to enjoy the sunset
Minus the mozzies of course!
Till next month!

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