Monday, July 31, 2017


Here's a quick summary of what we were up to this month.

  • We survived another tropical storm Don -- a short lived storm that brushed over the Windward islands on July 17th.
  • We finally re-sealed the front windows although it was a challenge with the constant rain.
  • We replaced the insulation on the engine cover.
  • After 8 long months, the engine is finally back in the engine bay, resting comfortably on the new engine mounts and {good news} the engine works! Having said that, we still have to replace the mixing elbow (it's too old, rusty and has a crack in it), re-seal a leak from the heat exchange cover (done) and replace the alternator regulator (it had a meltdown -- another item on our shopping list).
  • Very happy I finally converted the Caribbean string banner flags we ordered online into courtesy flags! I know this wasn't top priority on our long list of boat projects/repairs, but it was a nice break from working with epoxy, fiberglass and sikaflex. Looking forward to flying them in the Caribbean!
  • We added backing plates to the cleats at the front of the bows. Very tight space (even for tiny me); was not a pleasant job {but then again, when is a job ever pleasant on a boat?}. Hopefully we'll never have to do that again!
  • We also added backing plates on the winches in the cockpit. While securing one of the the backing plates, a bolt snapped in half! Our struggle with corrosion is real & ongoing.
  • It's Avocado season! We bought 3 large ones for $25 TTD (~$3.50 USD) usually at least $20 TTD each {best bargain ever!}.
  • On the entertainment front, we finished watching all 5 seasons of 'Breaking Bad' {4 years late}, but we're up-to-date with 'Better Call Saul' at Season 3.
  • We also met new friends Patrice, Veronique and Chacco (their beautiful dog -- so well trained) on S/Y Gran Largo {friends of S/Y Yelo}. Thank you so much for having us onboard! Will not forget the delicious homemade ice cream and ginger drink! ;9 Also, wish we could have a dog like Chacco on Raptor too!

Check out our posts this month:

Installing Port Visors

How to DIY Courtesy Flags on the Cheap | Less Than $1 A Flag

How To Open A US Bank Account As A Tourist/Non Resident

June 2017 | MONTH IN REVIEW >>

August 2017 | MONTH IN REVIEW <<


Replaced Insulation on the Engine Cover
Re-sealed the Front Windows
DIY Courtesy Flags
Homemade "Shumai" with Turkey Mince
Avocado Season!
Friends on S/Y Gran Largo

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