Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How To Customise Your Blog on Blogger

Several days ago, the free third party template that we were using on our blog stopped working properly. The cool photo slider feature for each post unfortunately crashed (no idea why) and no idea where to even start looking, let alone try to understand or edit the six thousand lines of HTML code.

After several failed attempts to restore the template, tired and frustrated, I decided to do away with the fancy pre-designed template and start afresh with one of the simple theme blogger templates available and customise it on my own.

Sure - the blog doesn't look as fancy as it did before, but at least it's ours, and we can build the code slowly. Perhaps one day we'll be able to customise it with some of those fancy features we lost. Who knows.

It's amazing what you can find on the Internet. Plenty of information on how to do this and how to do that, but of course not all are worthy. You have to search and read through a whole load of -- to find what you're looking for.. (for me at least)

Anyway, thought it might be useful to share the links I found. If you're interested in personalising your blog, check out some of the things you can do below.

But before you start (based on experience), I would highly recommend to:

1 - 'Backup' your template often and before you make any major changes. In case you don't already know where that is, go to

Theme > Backup/Restore > Download Theme

If things go wrong, you can always restore your old theme with the backup file.

2 - Always add notes/comments to explain what the code does so that you can find it at a later date or if the changes didn't work, you can edit/remove it. 

HTML Comment Tag: <!-- notes/comments --> 

CSS Comment Tag: /* notes/comments */

Any texts within those comment tags will not be interpreted.

So here are the links:

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