Sunday, January 29, 2017

Festivities in Trinidad

4 months in and we're still working hard on Raptor. The list is never ending (but we're still hopeful). We celebrated Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year's here. Just thought we'd share some photos of the festivities.

A new friend in this holiday season at West Mall
On Christmas Eve, we met a local Trinidadian from a mutual friend in Singapore via Facebook. Thanks Kwanieze for meeting up with us. It's always nice to meet a local wherever we are and always happy to make new friends.

Alex beaming from ear to ear with his Christmas gifts

Christmas Day - You must be a true sailor to smile so brightly when you get a leveler, a knife sharpener and a set of drill bits as presents. (p/s: these were gifts to himself). Unfortunately the leveler did not work as expected so we had to return it.

New Year's Day Celebration for Yachties
A pot-luck style New Year's Day event for cruisers from around the world organised by the SSCA, OCC at TTSA (I hope I got it right). For the uninitiated, the SSCA (Seven Seas Cruising Association), OCC (Ocean Cruising Club), TTSA (Trinidad and Tobago Sailing Association). A little ashamed, I had to google these acronyms too.

We almost won a prize during the lucky draw but we lost it because we did not know that the national bird of Trinidad and Tobago was the Scarlet Ibis! That'll teach us to learn more interesting facts about the country we're in.

Welcome 2017!
I just realised Alex was wearing the same T-shirt and shorts combo on Christmas Eve and New Years day! Such is a sailors life and his wardrobe. 

28th January 2017 - It's Chinese New Year! Even though there are lots of Chinese (shop owners) in Port of Spain, we didn't see any celebrations. It was business as usual. I guess the Chinese here are business first, celebrations later?

Alex & I wearing red to usher in some good luck for the New Year!
Here's wishing everyone good health, good luck, happiness, prosperity and abundance in the Rooster year!

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