Friday, January 1, 2016

In & Around Perth, Australia

Our plans to return to Raptor in Trinidad via the US in early December was cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances.

Alex's sister very kindly invited us to visit her and her family in Perth. And so, on 30th December 2015, we flew into Perth - the capital of Western Australia {my first visit}.

Here are some of the places we visited during our stay:

Fremantle also known as Freo is a port city, located at the mouth of Swan River. Just 30 minutes drive from the city. 

Fishing Harbour
Little Creatures Brewery
A Ferris Wheel not far from Little Creatures
Couldn't stop watching these birds, trying so hard to stay upright on the line, but pretty much ends up swinging upside down most of the time

Further south of Fremantle, you'll find Rockingham, where we took a short walk in the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park. Quite pretty.

A little rock pool

King's Park Botanical Gardens is one of the world's largest inner city parks. It's located on the western edge of the CBD area in Perth. Amazing views of the city.

State War Memorial
It's a huge park - 4.06-square-kilometre (1,003-acre)
It is home to over 324 native plant varieties, 215 known indigenous fungi species and 80 bird species
A small pond
Lovely picnic at the park

Did you know? Perth is the fourth most populous city in Australia. The city's population grew substantially in the late 19th century when gold was discovered in a number of locations i.e. Kalgoorlie, Kimberly, Murchison, Yilgarn and Coolgardie. The gold rush attracted lots of prospectors from overseas and interstate. I wonder if the gold rush is the reason why prices in Perth are dearer than Melbourne?
Thank you for having us! Very happy I got to catch up with an old high school friend and a college friend that I've not seen in ages as well!

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