Saturday, November 15, 2014

Lençóis, Bahia, Brazil

We anchored in Lençóis, another small fishing village (S 01.20.631 W 44.53.703) in 2m of water at low tide on 15th November 2014. Our last stop in Brazil.

Beautiful anchorage with the white sand dunes in the background.

Soft white sand
Can you spot Raptor?

Walking back to our dinghy
Raptor at high tide
Local houses
Simple houses in lovely sand dunes
We've got a little garden growing on our hulls
Kids on Raptor at lowtide
Seriously low tide! My favorite way to clean the hulls
Mini homemade fishing boats - So detailed with fishing nets and all
The kids and guys off to get water supply
Awesome dunes
Footprints in the sand

We took the opportunity to clean our hulls at low tide and some local kids came by to help.

We also managed to get some fresh water from a well 400m away. It was definitely hard work for the guys.

We departed Lencois for French Guyana (~650 nm away) on 23rd November. We enjoyed our week's stay in Lencois very much. Finally off to a new country after 5 months in Brazil. 

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