Sunday, August 31, 2014

Albrolhos to Santo Andre, Bahia, Brazil

We departed Vitoria for Santo Andre (15 nautical miles north of Porto Seguro) on 29th August 2014. 

20 nautical miles southwest of Albrolhos islands and we've already seen over a dozen whales up close. It's mating season (July to November). We had 3 humpback whales cross our bows flapping their long pectoral fins as if they were waving "Hello!".

To be honest, 99% of the time its pretty boring being out at sea with 360 degrees of the same scenery day after day. But once in a while we get to experience these special moments of joy and amazement that remind us (me especially).. Life at sea is kinda cool! 

Humpback whales typically migrate up to 25,000 km (16,000 mi) each year, an adult can range in length from 12–16 m (39–52 ft) and weigh about 36,000 kg (79,000 lb)! {gulp} We're very thankful that they did not hit us or vice versa. I'm sure our fibreglass boat would not survive it. How these beautiful giants can grow so big on krill and small fish still befuddles me.

We picked up a mooring (S 16.37.157 W 38.54.616) in Abrolhos on 31st August, an archipelago consisting of 5 small volcanic islands with coral reefs off the southern coast of Bahia state in the northeast of Brazil. The name comes from the Portuguese word abrolho ("Abre Olhos") which means "open your eyes". This is a great place for whale watching and diving. The Abrolhos reefs represent the most extensive and richest area of coral reefs in Brazil and in the Southwestern Atlantic.

Wish we could've stayed longer but at 7:30pm that evening, we suddenly realised our mooring had broke and decided to resume our journey to Santo Andre, Bahia.  

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