Monday, April 14, 2014

We Crossed The Atlantic!

Bracuhy Marina
8 days later from Trinidade Island, we arrived at Bracuhy Marina in Angra Dos Reis (S 22.57.088 W 44.23.707) on the 14th April 2014. It took us 18 days, 2,279 nautical miles from St Helena; 26 days in total if we include the 8 days it took from Nambia to St. Helena.

Unfortunately, the wind was not on our side during this voyage. There was either no wind or wind on the nose! We had to motor over 80 hours just to make it in time for one of our crew to catch his flight home the next day.

I'm very delighted {and kinda proud} to announce that I crossed the Atlantic ocean without taking any anti-seasick pills! :) I now know it takes my body at least 7 days to grow my sea-legs and just two days onshore to lose them. I guess I'm naturally more of a land lubber than a seafarer {but that's not going to stop me, is it?! ;)}.  

We spent the next five days, cleaning and packing up before leaving Raptor at the marina on 19th April.

Angra dos Reis is a Brazilian municipality in southwest Rio de Janeiro state. It’s made up of 365 islands and a small port surrounded by steep, forested coastline. The region is known for its many beaches and biodiverse Ilha Grande, the largest island.

Nice view of the Bracuhy Marina - Misty
At Bracuhy Marina
Melbourne, Australia here we come!

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