Sunday, January 26, 2014

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Plettenberg Bay
Plettenbery Bay
Plettenberg Bay is located in the Western Cape Province, part of South Africa's famous Garden Route, about 32km from Knysna and 600km from Cape Town. A small town with beautiful beaches and lots of nice houses! 

We got a lift from a couple we met at Knysna Yacht Club. It was really nice of them. They highly recommended we hike the Robberg Nature Walk which is one of the most popular trails in the area.

So when they dropped us in town, we visited the tourist information center to inquire more information about the walk. The friendly tourist information officer told us that it's about 25-30 minutes walk to the park entrance.

Walking to the Robberg Nature Park
No problem, we thought. However, we walked and walked and walked and walked for 2 hours under the scorching sun before we finally got to the park entrance. Not quite the half hour walk we were told.

We tried to hitch-hike after an hour or so, but sadly no one stopped for us (perhaps it was because we looked too dodgy). I later googled the distance between Plettenberg Bay and Robberg Nature Park. We had walked 8 kilometers!

Nice houses on the way to Robberg Nature Park
More nice houses
The Robberg Nature Walk is one of the nicest but toughest hikes I've done. Perhaps it was because it was an extremely hot and sunny day, with no shade along the entire trail and the fact that we had already walked 2 hours before, and drank most of our water with no where to fill up again.

The terrain is quite hilly, a lot of uphill and downhill, uphill and downhill again on a mix of sandy and rocky ground. Some even classified this trail as technical. We really enjoyed the spectacular views of the bay, the cape fur seals, the rocky coast as well as the beaches. 

Plettenberg Bay
Gorgeous view of the beach
Finally made it to the Robberg Nature Walk entrance @ 2pm
There are three circular routes along the Robberg peninsula of varying distance and difficulty.

1. Walk to The Gap and back to the car park, round about 2 km.
2. Walk to The Witsand sand dune and down to The Island and back is about 5.5 km.
3. The round trip via The Point is 9.2 km. Not recommended for young children and faint hearted.

Of course, we decided to take the round trip via The Point.

Best time for whale watching offshore is from May to November
Plettenberg Bay
One of the many shipwrecks in Plettenberg Bay

Plettenberg Bay

Wonders of Nature

Cape Fur Seals
Frolicking in the ocean

Plettenberg Bay
Lovely to look at but they're really smelly

Plettenberg Bay
Cape Fur Seals down below!

No shade throughout the trail
Getting dehydrated
The Point - the tip of the peninsula

A Dassie!
Follow the Cape Fur Seals markers

Last selfie - Trying to stay positive

Alex up ahead
Hot! Hot! Hot!

Almost there!
We survived! but not my shoe
We completed the trail in 3½ hours and got a lift back into town. Would definitely do it again but will be better prepared for it the next time - get a ride to the park entrance (not walk there), an early start in the morning so it's cooler, bring lots of water, sunscreen, hat, maybe a pair of binoculars and wear good shoes!

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